From global mobility to sustainable travel solutions and beyond, the Mobility section of eCabs’ blog offers valuable insights into the world of transportation, as we discover the latest trends and challenges, and seek innovative solutions.

To sell or not to sell - that is the question

To sell or not to sell – that is the question

How to sell 101. eCabs Technologies’ commitment to a solution-oriented sales approach has been one of the driving forces behind its success. 

eCabs Technologies: A product-oriented approach to success

The ride-hailing industry is a crowded space, filled with giants vying for your attention.

At eCabs, we understand that simply offering another product isn’t enough.

We are not just here to sell you software. We’re here to work with you, and provide you with our market-leading solution born from our cutting-edge ‘mobility laboratory‘.

But what truly sets us apart?

We don’t just sell, we partner. Instead of bombarding you with generic sales pitches, we take a solution-oriented approach.

This means we dive deep into your specific needs and challenges.

We become an extension of your team, understanding your business from the inside out.

Embracing a solution-oriented mindset

Our cutting-edge mobility laboratory isn’t just a fancy term. It’s a hub of innovation where we continuously refine and perfect our platform to stay ahead of the curve.

This ensures that when you partner with eCabs, you’re not just getting a solution. You’re getting a platform built for the future, playbooks on how to operate your business, alongside our 14 years of operational experience.

We’re perfectly attuned to the dynamic needs of the ride-hailing market.

But here’s the best part: we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We have designed our platform to be customisable, allowing us to seamlessly adapt it to your unique business goals and challenges.

Your success is our success. And we’re committed to providing you with the tools and support you need to thrive in the ever-evolving ride-hailing landscape.

Beyond structured meetings: building genuine connections 

We understand that building genuine relationships goes beyond formal sales meetings. 

We actively seek out opportunities to engage with potential clients in informal settings, fostering a sense of connection and trust. 

While we are based in Malta, which has become a proven testbed for mobility products, our city partners are based in mainland Europe.

For us this means that we’re constantly educating, advocating and championing mobility through digital channels.

Nurturing genuine relationships, through channels such as LinkedIn, is critical in ensuring that we can continuously share our findings and learnings in the mobility industry and guide potential city partners to the right solution.

Delving into the client’s world 

eCabs goes beyond superficial understanding; we strive to gain a deep appreciation of our partners’ businesses. 

Proper exploration, and applying the appropriate framework is imperative, to ensure that we can accurately map out your requirements and align them to our solutions.

Additionally, studying our partners’ operations, understanding their unique context, and being able empathise with the challenges they face. 

By becoming intimately acquainted with our City Partners’ business through on-site visits, we can tailor solutions that are truly aligned with their goals and objectives. 

The power of knowledge transfer 

We recognise the value of education and knowledge sharing in building trust and establishing credibility. 

We actively educate potential clients about the ride-hailing industry, highlighting industry trends, best practices, and the latest technology advancements.

When we launch in a city, we share a refined launch ‘Playbook’ with our City Partners, to ensure a successful launch from the get-go.

Our knowledge transfer goes beyond the ride-hailing platform and the operations.

The eCabs Technologies Expansion Team will guide you weekly on the industry fundamentals, and emerging trends, and take on product feedback. In the background, we continue iterating on our products to ensure that our partners can stay ahead of the curve in any city that they choose to operate in.

This comes from our over 14 years of experience, from operations through to software development.

By equipping you with the knowledge and insights to make industry-informed business decisions, we go beyond offering software.

eCabs Technologies, as your partner in innovation, leverages our cutting-edge ‘mobility laboratory’ to tailor solutions that empower your success.

We believe in your journey to success, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

The proof of our expertise 

eCabs’ success is not just talk. It is backed by our partners and case studies. These demonstrate the tangible impact of our software platform on client businesses. 

From enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction to driving profitability and expanding market reach, the features within eCabs’ ride-hailing solution have proven their value across a diverse range of industries and clients – enabling a ride-hailing operator to take on more than just dial-a-cab bookings.

In addition to our commitment to your success with eCabs, our ride-hailing solution is a scalable and adaptable platform without upfront software costs.

Case study: eCabs and Malta’s taxi industry 

In Malta, eCabs has played a pivotal role in transforming the taxi industry since 2010. 

By understanding the specific needs of local taxi drivers and operators, and taking on national stakeholder feedback, it developed a software platform that streamlined operations, enhanced customer satisfaction, and boosted profitability across the board. 

This success has earned eCabs Technologies a reputation as a trusted partner in Malta’s ride-hailing landscape. 

Our solution-oriented approach has proven to be a winning formula. Enabling our City Partners to build strong partnerships within their local communities and the European Union.

By prioritising understanding, knowledge transfer, and genuine connection, eCabs has established itself as a trusted advisor and a true solutions provider for the ride-hailing industry. 

Together, let’s not only shape the future of ride-hailing but also a sustainable future. eCabs is here to walk the talk and partner with you on your journey forward. 

You can get in touch with Ruslan here.

Ruslan Golomovzy To sell or not to sell - that is the question
No driving license No problem

No driving license? No problem!

I’ve been working in the mobility industry for over eight years now in various capacities. Yet I don’t have a driving license.

When I mention that I don’t drive, there’s a consensus that it’s strange and bizarre – to them. Not to me.

Allow me to explain.

I’m a TCK – a third-culture-kid. A TCK is someone who was raised in a culture other than their parents or the culture of their country of nationality. And also lived in a different environment during a significant part of their developmental years.

I was fortunate to grow up in Singapore, in a Russian/Ukrainian family. I also attended an international school that had representation from over 90 different countries.

This exposure fosters adaptability, resilience, and a unique perspective on cultural norms.

Riding around the world, without a driving license

Growing up in Singapore, I took advantage of the fantastic transport services, buses, underground railway (MRT) and occasionally cabs if I was in a hurry.

Driving a car in Singapore never crossed my mind. Not only did I deem it unnecessary. There was also the fact that Singapore’s Certificate of Entitlement system mandates a minimum payment of 190% of the vehicle value to simply be allowed to drive it on the road – even before you buy the vehicle.

From Singapore I travelled to the UK, to complete my undergraduate degree in London.

I found no need to have a driving license in London. I was lucky enough to spend my four years there in central locations. Everything was within walking distance, or just a tube ride away.

Part-way through my studies, in 2015, I lived in Casablanca, Morrocco. Casablanca at the time was seeing the introduction of Uber (which had seven drivers and I met them all).

My friends recommended I embrace the local red-coloured petit taxis. These were usually smaller older cars (pre-2000) that operated like an on-demand bus service.

At the time, a trip almost anywhere in Casablanca was less than €0.50. And taking an Uber was less than €2.00.

Arriving in Malta

I then moved to Malta to start an executive chauffeur service company. And frankly – when you have your own fleet of vehicles and drivers – I found no need to drive or have a driving license.

Now I work at eCabs, the leading ride-hailing company in the country. And lo and behold, I book eCabs whenever I need to go somewhere.

Malta has the second highest road density in the world, with some 18,000 vehicles per square km of road. Why would anyone want to go through the hassle of driving here? (Yes, I consider my colleagues who sometimes give me a lift ‘brave’).

How I justify it; or just do the Maths

As Kara Swisher points out in one of her NYT pieces, the ownership of a private vehicle will one day be as quaint as owning a horse.

Following Kara’s thoughts, I too don’t see the point in owning a personal vehicle.

Financially, vehicles can’t be considered an asset. They start rapidly depreciating in value the moment the vehicle leaves the showroom.

There are far too many risks involved in driving/parking it.

And frankly – even if you use it for an hour daily, that’s less than 5% of your entire day.

Invest in a good bed instead.

With the availability of micro-mobility, if I need to get somewhere, I ride an electric scooter* or walk (we have a great climate for that here in Malta).

If you’re spending less than €400 a month on cabs, you don’t need a car.

The business perspective

It’s been called ‘ironic’ as I work at a ride-hailing company, but is it?

Our clients come to us for mobility solutions. And corporate clientele are moving towards commitments to sustainability and providing eco-friendly solutions for their employees.

How can one truly understand a client if you don’t walk a mile in their shoes?

When it comes to eCabs, I use our cabs to attend meetings – and go through the same journey/experience that our customers do.

This ensures that I can keep a pulse on how our ride-hailing service is performing.

On more than one occasion, I’ve been able to point out simple things that would ensure a better service for corporate clients.

Such as ensuring that their Google Maps marker is registered correctly to allow for better route mapping and more accurate pick-up locations.

If I had driven myself to the client, would I have experienced this? No, but their employees using our services do, and it would have been overlooked from the get-go.

With Malta being what it is, I believe that every little effort helps in decongesting our roads and ensuring that we instil better mobility habits into future generations.

While others preach about change, I prefer to “Be the change you wish to see in the world” (Ghandi).

Looking ahead: the future of personal mobility

I believe we’re at the precipice of how mobility will be defined for the generations to come.

If we plunge into the future with the right mindset and considerations for the environment, the urban setting and start correctly factoring in the costs of owning a private vehicle, we are going see a continuous adoption of greener, shared and even, perhaps, viable autonomous solutions.

*This blog was written a day prior to the Government of Malta announcing a ban on rental e-scooters from the 1st of March 2024. Private e-scooters will still be allowed.

The crucial role of mobility operators in urban planning

The crucial role of mobility operators in urban planning

Urban planning is the process of developing and designing urban areas to meet the needs of a community.

There are far too many considerations to list them all and dive into them in a blog. Yet – the practice draws from quite a few disciplines; architecture, engineering, economics, sociology, public health and more.

‘Sustainable development’ as an idea has been around since the late 20th century, as advocated by the United Nations-sponsored World Commission on Environment and Development in Our Common Future (1987).

As I discussed in my Policy Development blog, the mobility operator is once again a key stakeholder that is still being left out of the dialogue.

Enhancing efficiency and connectivity

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been used to map existing urban systems and attempt to project the consequences of change.

This approach is a slow-burning exercise. Whereupon historic data may no longer be relevant with the rapid change in consumer behaviour in relation to their mobility use.

Once again, real-time data that mobility platforms and operators have access to can be evaluated, to ensure that the behaviour of the citizens who are the key stakeholders of urban planning is being taken into consideration.

It’s currently estimated that the percentage of people living in urban areas has increased from 64% to 83% since 1950.

With cities becoming more populous, we must consider more than ‘how does one get from A to B.’ The question must consider how people navigate their urban spaces, for work, leisure, shopping, dining out and so on.

Antoine Zammit, an urban planning expert, highlighted the need for further collaboration among stakeholders in Malta at the Sustainable Transport: Adaption and Resilience in the Maltese Islands conference.

Leveraging the data

Mobility operators generate vast amounts of data related to usage patterns, peak hours, and popular routes. This offers valuable insights into urban mobility trends.

Urban planners can leverage this data to make informed decisions. Such as optimising public transportation routes, identifying gaps in infrastructure, and implementing demand-responsive services.

Tying in with the same pain points addressed with policy development, mobility platforms need to be integrated into the process of urban planning.

We have the data to validate decisions and provide guidance and evaluation of emerging trends. Ensuring that we can contribute to the acceleration of decision-making and improving the quality of life for citizens.

Poor infrastructure, congestion, and long driving distances negatively contribute to the quality of life. The more people who can move around without cars, the better for everyone.

Collaborative efforts can lead to optimised routes, reduced congestion, and increased connectivity. This will result in a more efficient and seamless urban mobility experience.

Addressing diversifying mobility needs

Since 2013, the SUMP model has been recognised as the new approach to urban mobility planning.

The model encompasses eight crucial principles:

  1. Plan for sustainable mobility in the entire ‘functional city’.
  2. Cooperate across institutional boundaries.
  3. Involve citizens and stakeholders.
  4. Assess current and future performance.
  5. Define a long-term vision and clear implementation plan.
  6. Develop all transport modes in an integrated manner.
  7. Arrange for monitoring and evaluation.
  8. Assure quality.

While the model has been around for a decade, and we’ve seen partial success in the adoption of the model in Spain, we’re still miles off. The lack of a common agency, institution, observatory or other organisation. It is not easy to know and confirm the successful implementation of this model.

#HarmonyH2020 conference in Barcelona, Spain – Simone Bosetti speaks about Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning recommendations and roadmaps.

An inclusive and sustainable transportation ecosystem

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is developing at break-neck speed. In part thanks to the low barriers of entry in micro mobility.

With the advent of alternative forms of transport, and the low-friction, digitised access – consumers have more access than ever before. And in parallel, mobility operators have more data to evaluate than ever before.

Access to this varied data can help develop an inclusive and sustainable transportation ecosystem that caters to the needs of all residents, including commuters, tourists, and individuals with mobility challenges.

Collaborating with urban planners allows for the integration of sustainable transportation infrastructure, such as charging stations, bike lanes, and pedestrian-friendly zones, resulting in reduced carbon emissions and improved air quality.

Different generations may have varying preferences for transportation modes. Baby boomers might prefer traditional public transit. While younger generations generally favour a mix of public transit, shared mobility, and active transportation.

Mobility platforms can offer insights into the demand for different modes of transportation, allowing urban planners to design infrastructure that encourages and supports multimodal transportation choices.

By considering the diverse needs of each generation, cities can create comprehensive transportation networks that seamlessly integrate various modes of transportation.

Ensuring equitable access

Generational differences can also manifest in terms of access to transportation services. It’s important to consider that not all generations have equal access to smartphones, digital platforms, or private vehicles.

Mobility operators can provide valuable insights into areas with limited access to transportation options, helping urban planners identify areas where public transit or shared mobility services should be prioritised.

I’ve used the example of ‘food deserts’ (an urban area in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food) before. The same argument still stands for mobility and the underrepresentation of access to mobility. Whether it be due to poor urban planning, lack of digital access or not having the right type of mobility available to use.

By involving mobility operators, cities can work towards creating equitable transportation systems that ensure equal access to mobility options for people of all generations.

Incorporating the diverse needs of each generation, cities can create transportation networks that meet the expectations of boomers, millennials, Gen Z, and future generations, fostering an accessible, sustainable, and technologically advanced urban mobility landscape.

What is multimodal commuting and why is it important

What is multimodal commuting and why is it important?

In this blog, we will explore the concept of multimodal commuting. We will also ask why more people should adopt this model in the near future, to enhance convenience, efficiency, and sustainability.

Multimodality is the use of multiple types of transport. These include walking, cycling, public transport, ride-hailing, and carpooling, which can be used to reach your destination.

With multimodal commuting, you can choose the type of transport method that is most convenient for you in any particular situation.

Multimodal commuting has a number of benefits, including less need for a private vehicle and reduced traffic congestion. It can also lead to decreased emissions, improved physical health, and increased flexibility.

Some of the most common modes of transportation used in multimodal commuting include:

  • Walking.
  • Cycling.
  • Public transportation, such as buses or trains.
  • Ferries.
  • Ride-hailing and taxi services, such as eCabs.
  • Carpooling with friends or colleagues.
  • Electric scooters or bikes.

How can multimodality improve our daily life?

Having the choice of which mode of transport you can use can improve your wellbeing.

For instance, by choosing to walk or cycle for shorter distances, you can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

As an added bonus, multimodality can be more affordable than owning a private car. This often makes it a win-win situation.

It’s also easy to plan. The use of apps and real-time transit information is on the rise. This makes coordinating multimodal trips easier than ever before, providing you with peace of mind and a smooth journey.

What are some advantages of multimodal transport?

You may choose to use transport services such as trains for long distances. Ride-hailing, taxis or public transport would be ideal for medium distances. A bicycle, scooter, or even your own two feet, would be the perfect alternative for shorter journeys.

  • Efficiency – Using modes of transportation other than the private car can help reduce road congestion on the roads. This may lead to less fuel consumption, air pollution, reducing the carbon footprint, and so on.
  • Cost – Transport systems such as walking, cycling and using e-scooters are far less expensive than using a private car. Additionally, they are much more environmentally friendly.
  • Flexibility – Multimodal transport gives you the opportunity to select from a variety of transportation options when planning your journey. You can choose from buses, trains, cars, planes, and more to make your trip as convenient as possible.

Power to the people

It is a fact that most cities have been designed for cars.

With the concept of multimodality, you have streets which are designed for and serve people first, with their safety in mind.

This includes children, the elderly, all walkers, and those who ride a bicycle.

Many millennials and Gen Zs are happy to use various different ways of getting around, so multimodality is perfect for them.

Additionally, it can also help those with limited mobility. There are also some people who simply may not want to – or be comfortable – with driving themselves.

Finally, multimodality can be beneficial to those who simply cannot afford a private car.

By incorporating various modes of transportation, you can tailor your commute to fit your specific needs. This could be a short walk to a nearby bus stop or a bike ride to a train station.

This flexibility provides an opportunity to avoid traffic congestion, reduce travel time, and minimise the stress associated with commuting.

Multimodal commuting is environmentally friendly

From an environmental standpoint, it is definitely beneficial to get people to ditch their private car.

Using a more sustainable way of travelling can play a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of transportation.

Lessening our dependence on private vehicles can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. We can do this by using modes of transportation such as cycling, walking, ride-sharing, and public transportation.

As we have seen, multimodal commuting has many benefits. It helps individuals, builds greener and more sustainable cities, and addresses climate change. This ultimately promotes a healthier environment for everyone.

Multimodality has the possibility to shape society and travel as we know it.

It is about time that we embraced it.

Policy development and the role of mobility operators

Policy development and the role of mobility operators

We have spoken about MaaS (Mobility as a Service) before – its impacts, effects, and consequences on the future of transportation.

MaaS has allowed for the democratisation of access to mobility for all. It has done this by leveraging technology to provide a frictionless experience for anyone with mobility needs.

Booking a cab today is a matter of mere seconds. We have become accustomed to the fast-paced process as consumers.

Platforms and operators champion low waiting times and speedy service. However, we face a very different reality when it comes to mobility policies, their development, implementation, and evaluation.

Innovation, investment and integration

Today, we need to view mobility platforms as being part of the solution from a policy development point of view as well.

Policy development usually follows a three-step process, design, implementation, and feedback.

This is an archaic process, that fails to consider the necessity for fast feedback and adjustment.

The mobility industry is on the rise. The post-COVID uptake of micro-mobility has spurred innovation, investment, and integration with the current mobility policies in place.

We’ve seen partially successful micro-mobility policies implemented in Paris when it comes to e-scooters, with the guidance and support of the largest micro-mobility operators.

This was only possible due to the operators sharing their data on riders. Providing feedback to policymakers in real-time on the effects of the laws that they were implementing.

The implementation can only be considered partially successful. Safety was not enforced and eventually led to a negative perception of e-scooters in Paris. In April of 2023, Parisians voted to ban e-scooters.  

The role of data

When mobility operators are left out of the policy-making process, it is detrimental to all stakeholders.

Data has played a role in policy development for the last 20 years. However, it is usually an extrapolation of historic data. Or volunteer surveys that are then used to hypothesise how policies should be framed.

Naturally, one cannot wait, years in some cases, for a government statistics office to publish data to be able to take decisions.

With the data that we have access to today, as a tech mobility company, we are able to forecast faster, plan more efficiently and able to re-validate our decision-making at later dates when other data sources are published.

The granularity of the information – from how users interact with our products, to determining the most efficient way of distributing drivers across a territory to ensure low waiting times – further demonstrates the vast and untapped potential of mobility operators in policy-making.

The one source of truth

Mobility operators are the one source of truth when it comes to understanding how the end user chooses to use transportation.

We believe policies should focus on the improvement and empowerment of citizens. When you leave MaaS operators out of the conversation, it is a disservice to the citizen.

Even poor adoptions/enforcement of existing policies lead to bizarre cases. These slow down progress and hinder industry stakeholders from accelerating the industry forward.

When policies don’t make sense, businesses don’t invest.

Mobility is a capital-intensive, high volume and low-margin network market. So, the lack of enforced quality policies proves to be a barrier for MaaS and investment.

The cost of physical infrastructure (i.e., charging pillars), vehicles and maintenance of 24/7 operations is not a simple obligation. Especially when the operators deal directly with consumers and take on the responsibility of the well-being of their users.

The European Commission has formed a Commission Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM). Its long-term objective to “help develop urban aspects of transport and support implementing the New EU Urban Mobility Framework”.

EGUM expects to develop the work programme over the next two years. With a key pillar focusing on data sharing for urban logistics, and how to support dialogue and voluntary data sharing between all types of stakeholders, whether they be public or private. 

Big data – a new opportunity

The utilisation of big data is imperative in the adjustment of existing laws and the development of new policies.

This would allow for reactive monitoring and adjustment of policies in a rapidly developing industry. Thus, ensuring that the governance of MaaS is vision-led and scaled to the right function urban area (FUA).

Big data is a new opportunity to ensure that when policies are designed, they are taking into consideration data from multiple sources and across the representative population.

GPS data has been used since the 2000s to help shape policies. However, it only provides information about what is happening. It does not facilitate further understanding of why a user may be travelling in a certain pattern or using only certain types of transportation.

The democratisation of mobility

We need to be able to tap into social media data to help policymakers detect the driving forces of people’s movement behaviour.

Furthermore, policymaking needs to further expand the scope of sources that are used to shape policies.

The democratisation of mobility also encompasses representation of all demographics within the population, from Gen Alpha’s through to Boomers. Each cohort is a valuable stakeholder that has to have their wants and needs thoroughly considered to ensure that all citizens are empowered.

Policies should focus on the improvement and empowerment of citizens… When policies don’t make sense, businesses don’t invest.

eCabs International Business Development Manager Ruslan Golomovzy

The idea of ‘food deserts’ (places where most residents don’t have access to affordable, nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) extends to mobility, where a certain type of mobility could be underrepresented.

Without big data and the inclusion of all stakeholders, we risk isolating these members of society and depriving them of accessible mobility.

We believe policies should focus on the improvement and empowerment of citizens. When you leave MaaS operators out of the conversation, it is a disservice to the citizen.

This would be disadvantageous to all stakeholders, hindering people from accessing mobility and delaying the implementation of effective and future-oriented policies.

4 great reasons to book a reliable airport transfer with eCabs

4 great reasons to book a reliable airport transfer

In this blog we list the benefits of booking a reliable airport transfer.

Going abroad is always a great thing to look forward to. However, it can also be a little stressful unless all your ducks are in order. One thing you can easily tick on your list is pre-booking a reliable, affordable ride to and from the airport. 

Here are the main advantages of booking a cab ride for airport drop off or pick up, whether pre-booked or booked on demand. 


Booking a taxi airport service with a ride-hailing company can often be more cost-effective than renting a car, or even using your own, especially when you factor in the cost of fuel and car park charges.

Peace of mind

When time is of the essence, pre-booking a cab via the comfort and ease of your mobile app to get you to and from the airport can be a big advantage.

Going to the airport? If you book an airport transfer, you get picked up from wherever and whenever is most convenient for you.

Travelling from the airport? No need to worry about carrying your bags and getting your car from the parking area, paying for the time you spent there and then driving home (which is probably the last thing you feel like after a plane ride).

When using an app or booking online, there are usually various different car types that you can choose from, depending on whether you are travelling alone or in a group, and how much luggage you have.

Flexibility and convenience

Of course, there are other ways to get to and from the airport, such as using your private car, as mentioned above.

There is also public transport, which is a great solution as long as you can spare a couple of hours over and above, just in case the bus is running late, or it is full and you have to wait for another one. It also works best if you are travelling light. Starting off your holiday time clutching your bags while travelling with loads of other people is not the most stress-free of beginnings.

Safety and comfort

Booking a cab via your ride-hailing app ensures that you will be picked up on time and have a ‘tailor-made’ comfortable, fast, affordable, and safe journey.

Just book the cab, follow it on the map with the ETA fully visible and easily contact the driver at the press of a button should you need to.

Travelling to Malta? Book your airport transfer with eCabs

There are plenty of things to stress about in life. Getting from the airport to your accommodation should not be one of them.

If you are travelling to Malta, pre-booking your airport taxi transfers with eCabs means reliability, convenience, professionalism, cost-effectiveness, safety, and comfort.

The easiest way to do that is to use the eCabs Passenger App which you can download for iOS and Android.

Through the eCabs App, while you are waiting for the driver to arrive, you will be able to see precisely how far away they are, as well as the driver and car type/registration number.

You can even call the driver straight from your App, and, if you enter your flight details when booking one of our cabs, we will track your flight to make sure you are on time.

Cab bookings in Malta are very well priced, especially from a ride-hailing app. When using the eCabs App, you can choose to pay by Apple Pay, Google Pay, bank card or cash.

There are various different car types that you can choose from, depending on whether you are travelling alone or in a group, and how much luggage you have.

If you would prefer to book an eCabs as soon as you land, you can do that too. Nowadays pick-ups are so fast that ASAP bookings are just as reliable in Malta, with average pick-up times hovering around five minutes.

And when your holiday or business trip is over, eCabs will pick you up right behind your door. So you can enjoy a comfortable, safe ride to the airport.

Apart from the App, you can also book online.

24/7 Customer Service

eCabs is the only ride-hailing service in Malta which offers 24/7 customer service via its manned Support Centre which can be also be contacted by telephone on the eCabs number +356 21 383838.

How to travel sustainably and help save the planet

How to travel sustainably and help save the planet

The worldwide travel sector accounts for about eight percent of global carbon emissions. There are ways to travel sustainably and help the environment, and we need to make a difference.

What is sustainable travel?

As awareness of climate change intensifies, people are becoming more informed and concerned about the negative impact of travel.

They are consequently more willing to make a change to their usual travel habits. And they tend to choose more eco-friendly options, in aid of more sustainable travel.

One approach which is gaining traction is the concept of ‘slow travel’. This means that travel should be based on a connection to the local culture, people, and food of the place you are visiting. It also advocates less frequent but longer trips.

Moreover, it also entails travelling by more sustainable means, such as trains instead of planes, for instance.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, people started looking at travel in a different way. Perhaps there is a way of travelling more responsibly in the future, while reducing our carbon footprint.

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gasses that a company or individual emits. These emissions have a detrimental effect on the environment.

They make the temperature of the planet go up, which results in various effects. These include the rising of sea levels and ice caps melting, as well as the increase of natural disasters such as floods, extreme heat, and hurricanes.

Travel sustainably by making the right choices

There are various ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint by making smarter choices and travelling more sustainably. This can be done in a number of ways, such as using public transport or walking/cycling instead of driving.

  • When travelling short distances, try to avoid using air travel. Trains and ferries have a smaller carbon footprint than planes.
  • Walk when at all possible, especially short distances.
  • Use public transport if possible.
  • Try to use multimodality options such as bicycles, taxi services, electric scooters, e-bikes and even ferries.
  • When booking a ride-hailing or taxi service, choose the ‘green‘ or ‘Eco‘ option.

Reduce your carbon footprint when travelling by air

If you have no choice but to travel by air, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of your flights. One way to do this is to choose airlines that are committed to reducing their carbon emissions.

Many airlines now offer ‘carbon offset programmes’, where passengers can pay a fee to offset the emissions generated by their flight.

This money is then used to fund projects that help reduce carbon emissions, such as reforestation or renewable energy projects.

Apart from airlines, other companies offer carbon offset programmes, which help to fund projects that help reduce carbon emissions.

These projects can include reforestation or renewable energy projects, for instance. This is another relatively ‘easy’ way to help mitigate the environmental impact of your travel.

Choose sustainable accommodation

When choosing where to stay, try eco-friendly hotels or guesthouses. These kinds of establishments are designed to minimise their environmental impact, for example, by using renewable energy sources, reducing water usage, recycling and energy efficient lighting measures.

Choosing to stay in smaller, locally-owned accommodations can have a positive impact on the local economy.

Another way to be more eco-friendly is to limit the use of air conditioning in your accommodation, as well as to be mindful about the amount of water you use when abroad. It might be a small thing to you but the energy savings can be quite substantial.

Reduce waste when travelling

Reducing waste is an important part of sustainable travel. When travelling, try to avoid using single-use plastics and instead take a reusable water bottle, coffee cup, and shopping bag.

Additionally, try to choose products with minimal packaging and dispose of waste properly, using recycling facilities where possible.

Give your support to local communities and businesses

Supporting local businesses and communities can have a positive impact on the environment and the local economy. Try to eat at local restaurants that use local and seasonal produce, and buy souvenirs from local artisans.

Go for sustainable activities

When planning your travel, choose activities that have a minimal environmental impact, such as hiking and cycling.

These are great ways to enjoy the natural environment while lessening your impact on it. You could also choose to visit places such as national parks and protected areas.

These kinds of locations often have strong commitment to sustainable tourism.

By following these tips for travelling sustainably, you can help reduce your carbon footprint while still enjoying all that travel has to offer.

How to travel sustainably with us

Through its cutting-edge tech solutions, eCabs Technologies has given incentives to its drivers to opt for more environmentally-friendly vehicles by charging them a lower commission rate on the rides they perform, to encourage them to move to a more more eco-friendly solution.

To determine the commercial and operational feasibility of an all-electric fleet, it launched a pilot research project that involved testing various all-electric car brands in a 24/7 operational context.

The aim was to collect data that would shed light on the viability of using electric vehicles in such an environment.

When booking a taxi with eCabs, one can request the Eco category. This category is made up of 100 percent electric or hybrid vehicles, ensuring a ‘cleaner’ journey. Eco ride prices on the platform are at par with the lowest rides among all available options. 

eCabs’ own fleet is also leading the way into a more eco-friendly future by setting into motion an ambitious project for more sustainable travel which will see it run completely on green vehicles in the near future.

Understanding Mobility as a Service

The future of transportation? Understanding Mobility as a Service

In this blog post, we discuss what Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is. We also touch upon its key features, and why it is essential for the future of transportation.

‘Fast-paced’ has become an understated adjective in today’s world. People are not only constantly on the move, but the speed of getting from A to B has become an invaluable currency. Transportation is an integral and essential part of our daily lives.

New technologies and service providers have created the concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

MaaS has the potential to transform the way we move, making it easier, cheaper, and more convenient for everyone.

The state of transportation today

The transportation sector is currently a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. These emissions have negative consequences for public health and the environment.

Moreover, traffic congestion is a major problem in many cities. This results in lost productivity, increased travel time, and increased fuel consumption.

The future of transportation needs to be more efficient, sustainable, and accessible to all.

What exactly is Mobility as a Service?

Mobility as a Service is a concept that integrates various modes of transportation. It allows its users to make their journey planning easier. It does this by allowing them to plan, book, and pay for multiple types of modes of transportation through a digital single payment channel.

MaaS offers travellers mobility solutions based on their needs, combining transportation services from both public and private transportation providers.

The service is backed by a unified gateway that creates and handles the trip end to end. Users can then pay for the service via a single account.

The MaaS ecosystem is made up of several stakeholders, including transportation providers, technology providers, and service integrators.

The service integrator is responsible for aggregating transportation services and making them available to users through a single platform.

Democratising access to mobility

eCabs International Business Development Manager Ruslan Golomovzy explains that Mobility as a Service is the first step towards democratising access to mobility for all, across all modes of transport – through technology.

“The integration of various transport modes – public transport, ride-sharing, bike-sharing, car-sharing and private cabs – into a technology offering that is intuitive has been a revolutionary approach to tackling the dominance of the private car and freeing up cities to be used by people, not vehicles.”

We can consider that there are four key aspects to MaaS:

  • Convenience.
  • Sustainability.
  • Costs.
  • Access.

“Access to mobility is about generating smiles, not miles. It has to be convenient for the end user and create options in how they choose to travel. MaaS must be sustainable through alternative transportation and compete with the use cases of private vehicles. Cost savings should come from optimisation of the various types of transport and providing flexibility for the end-user in planning their routes based on the associated costs. Finally, the accessibility of MaaS through technology allows underserved areas to have equal exposure to the MaaS revolution.”

The democratisation of mobility, alongside the environmental impacts, leads to healthier societies. It also gives rise to better use of the existing infrastructure and the development of more efficient mobility, namely in the micro mobility sphere.

Key features and benefits

One of the key benefits of MaaS is convenience. With a single digital channel, users can plan, book, and pay for multiple types of transportation in a single process.

MaaS also offers travellers the ability to compare transportation options and make informed decisions about their journeys.

A MaaS journey planner can provide different options for getting from one destination to another. For instance, one could combine using public transport and a train.

MaaS provides access to real-time data about transportation options, allowing travellers to make informed decisions about their journeys. MaaS also offers travellers cost savings, as they can pay for transportation services through a single account.

Access to mobility is about generating smiles, not miles. It has to be convenient for the end user and create options in how they choose to travel.

eCabs International Business Development Manager Ruslan Golomovzy

Another key benefit of MaaS is that it can help to reduce the number of private cars on the road. This is because the economic benefit of owning a personal car may be questioned in favour of more reasonably priced on-demand car services.

“Say you buy a private car for extreme case use (the three yearly trips you do to London). This means that it spends more time parked than being used. Then take into consideration the resources required to build the very same vehicle and how those resources could be reallocated to the development and integration of more effective modes of mobility, not to mention natural resources,” Ruslan says.

MaaS can also improve mobility for those who do not have access to a car or who are unable to drive. It provides a more accessible and affordable alternative to traditional transportation options, significantly reducing the cost of transportation for individuals and families. This can benefit low-income households and those with disabilities.

The challenges of implementing MaaS

Although MaaS has the potential to transform the way we move around our cities, it also presents a number of challenges. There are many different modes of transportation, each with their own set of providers, regulations, and payment systems.

Integrating all of these modes into a single platform is a difficult task that requires collaboration and coordination between various stakeholders.

Another challenge is the need for interoperability between different transportation services. Ensuring a seamless transition between two or more services can be challenging, as each service may have its own payment system and user interface.

Moreover, since MaaS involves the collection and processing of large amounts of personal data, there is the need for strong data privacy and security measures.

Who is driving MaaS adoption?

For mass MaaS adoption to work, Ruslan stresses, stakeholders must realise that while the private car has been around for the last 120 years, with our cities redesigned and built for the private car, this is no longer feasible.

Shoehorning a massive societal change in a shorter timeframe is not possible without government involvement, from a regulatory and infrastructural point of view.

“Cities need to plan and develop mobility frameworks that enable MaaS providers to frictionlessly deploy and provide their services to share/gather user data and create a feedback loop with the government to consult and guide on future infrastructural developments. From a B2C standpoint, it is predominantly the under-35s who are driving MaaS adoption. We’re not seeing adoption by the older generation. Furthermore, corporate entities need to be thinking about implementing mobility policies internally to take advantage of the benefits of MaaS and can start doing so by going through a checklist on how to implement a mobility budget.”